CGC Tools

Smarter Geometries

After much forward thinking and reverse engineering we found a “sweet spot” that all the other high performance end mill manufacturers were lacking. Once we found this “sweet spot” where all possible vibration, chatter and harmonics are removed from the cutting surfaces we patented that mother on our 4 and 5 flute tools.

knuckledragger diagram

Tougher Substrate

We will not under any circumstances cut corners here. We are using only the very best sub-micron nano-grain carbide for superior toughness and durability. Great for all materials including high temp, high nickel alloys.


Harder GMS2 Coating

Chrome based but on steroids. Super high heat resistant, super hard, but super flexible. For use in all ferrous materials including high temp, high nickel alloys. GMS^2 has been banned by most professional sports.

knuckledragger lineup
gmp edge prep magnification

Stronger Prep Process

When an end mill first enters a cut, it will chatter and bounce then finally “settle in”. During that “settling in” process, jagged micro edges of carbide are fractured and the coating is removed. GMP is not just an edge prep. But a perfectly prepped edge using unique and proprietary geometries that are only found on Gorilla Mill products.

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